Diamond specialists

Australian Gem labHaving your diamond jewellery appraised from a diamond specialist is very important. Not only will they provide you with records of the worth of your items, but they can also help you cover your items, should they be lost or stolen. Having your jewellery appraised, however, is not something that can be done by just anyone. It needs a high level of knowledge of all of the types of gems that you can find, as well as the jewellery industry as a whole.

What do I look for in a diamond jewellery valuer?

Whilst there is no set pathway to becoming an appraiser, there are still some important aspects that any good valuer should have. These are:

  • If the valuer has a graduate certificate from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
  • If he or she is a member of the National Council of Jewellery Valuers (NCJV).
  • How many years of experience with all types of gems and metals that they have.
  • If they have an in depth understanding of the diamond grading system.
  • Their understanding of the reasons why you would want a diamond valuation.

These five points are vital in finding out whether a diamond valuer can offer you the very best outcome for your needs. At AGL, our valuers have been working in the industry for a combined 60 years. We hold graduate certificates from the GIA, and are full members of the NCJV. We also understand why you would want your diamonds valued, and tailor our services around your needs.

The importance of independent jewellery valuers

Valuers will always go to great lengths to make sure of their impartiality during the regular diamond appraisal of an item. However, keeping this independence can be quite hard, especially if they are working under an insurance company, or any other party with a vested interest. An independent appraisal is very important to make sure of:

  • Getting the most precise valuation possible on your items.
  • Having the process run as quickly as possible.
  • Making sure that you receive an accurate appraisal of all of the gems that make up your item.
  • That the integrity of the diamond valuation process is not hindered at all.

At AGL, the only person that we work for is you. You can be assured that our valuation of your precious items will be as accurate as possible. We also provide you with a very detailed report of all of the parts that make up your piece. This report is presented to you in a way that is easy to read, and is presented in an attractive way.