Gemstone guide

Loose-Gemstones-2Gemstone Guide

Gemstones, in the wide variety of colours and shapes that they come in, have been cherished since the dawn of mankind. Natural gemstones can be found and mined all over the world, with the rarest ones being the most desirable. From ruby to sapphire, and even opals, their majestic beauty makes them an ideal choice for jewellery items of all types.

The types of gemstones

Whilst there are many different types of gems, they can all be put into three distinct categories. These categories reflect the origin of the gem, where it came from, and whether they have been treated. These categories are:

  • Natural gems, forged and mined straight from the earth.
  • Lab created gems, which have been designed by mimicking the earth’s crust in a lab.
  • Imitation gems, which are made to resemble the real thing, such as tinted glass.

Contrary to belief, where these items are placed in these three categories does not impact their desirability, only their value. Natural gems, owing to their rarity, will obviously come with a higher price tag. Whereas imitation gems, whilst they still may look pretty, will fall considerably the market price for a natural stone.

Enhanced gemstones

Many gems all over the world have been enhanced or treated, as it is also known. Treating gemstones is done to enhance the visual qualities of the gem, as well as their durability. In some cases, people will seek to treat gems to appear as a completely different colour. The treating process can either be done naturally using heat, or artificially through means of using lasers.

Whilst treated stones are still widely popular all across the world, they still should be identified as such. The ethical approach to identifying gems of this type is based on certification, as to the untrained eye, there will be very little difference between a natural stone and a treated one. In rare cases, treating a gem can actually increase the value of the item. More often, however, a treated gem usually results in a lower value, and may require special care to maintain the item.

How to purchase the right gem

When you are looking to buy a gemstone jewellery item, it will help if you keep in mind a few questions that will allow you to purchase the right product. These questions are based on whether the stone has been treated, as well as its origin. Ask your jeweller:

  • If the gem has come from natural or lab created means, or if the gem is only an imitation.
  • If the stone has been treated in any way, shape, or form.
  • For a certificate of replacement cost, and make sure that it is the original and not a copy.
  • What the best way is to clean and care for your new gemstone jewellery piece.

You should also insist on using a magnifying glass or loupe to inspect the inside of the gem. Sometimes, gemstones can have blemishes inside them that are invisible to normal vision. If the gem has any blemishes, its value should reflect this, and you may be paying over the odds if you have not checked for these. You should also read all warranties and guarantees regarding the jewellery piece, before you purchase the item.