Quality assessment

Loose-Diamonds-Round-8Quality assessments are done for those who wish to have a diamond appraisal, but do not want the valuation included. Reports like these will contain a detailed list of the makeup of the diamond and the jewellery item. The valuer will observe the clarity, cut, and colour of any gems that are present in the piece. He will list his findings in a certificate that will be similar to a regular valuation one, but without the actual value on the page.

Why opt for a quality assessment instead of a valuation?

Assessing the quality of a piece is done for various reasons, and has many different practical outcomes and results. Especially in cases where the owner wants to know what makes their item special, a quality report will help them do this with ease. Some things that a valuer will look at to observe the quality of an item are:

  • The GIA certification of the piece.
  • The colour and clarity of the diamonds.
  • Measuring the carat of the piece.
  • Noting on the paper each part that makes up the item.
  • The condition of the piece.

Benefits of having your diamonds assessed for quality

Quality assessments are normally conducted for those who:

  • Want to prove that they are the sole owners of the item.
  • Want to tell the difference between two pieces that look exactly the same.
  • Want to assist police with descriptions in the event of theft or loss.
  • Wish to provide or own jewellery of similar quality.
  • Wish to check on the condition of an item that has been damaged.

In each of these cases, a quality report will provide you with everything that you or other parties will need to know regarding the item. They are also beneficial for those that are just simply interested into what makes their diamond so special. The reports are so detailed, that you will exactly know what can be found in your item, as well as the overall quality of your piece.